LD 1319
pg. 8
Page 7 of 423 An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of St... Page 9 of 423
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LR 2000
Item 1

4. Allotment of these available funds is recommended by the
State Budget Officer and approved by the Governor by financial
order as an allotment increase in the annual work program.

5. Allotment of these available funds is subject to review
by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs; and

6. Allotment of these funds does not take effect until 30
days after the approval by the Governor.

In case of extraordinary emergency situations, the 30-day
wait beyond approval by the Governor may be waived by vote of
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs upon
written recommendation of the State Budget Officer. Dedicated
revenue and internal service fund accounts authorized by law
to carry unused allocations forward are not subject to the
conditions of this section if the request for allotment
increase is within the legislatively authorized allocations as
defined in this section. It is the intent of the Legislature
that authority for unused allocations to carry forward in
Other Special Revenue fund and internal service fund accounts
be limited to only specific, extraordinary circumstances.

Sec. A-25. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made:

FY 2003-04FY 2004-05



Office of the Commissioner -

Administrative and Financial

Services 0718


Positions - Legislative Count3.0003.000

Personal Services334,281333,143

All Other24,88225,184


GENERAL FUND TOTAL359,163358,327

Budget - Bureau of the 0055


Positions - Legislative Count11.00011.000

Personal Services960,109958,001

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