LD 1319
pg. 6
Page 5 of 423 An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of St... Page 7 of 423
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LR 2000
Item 1

included in the budget process in accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 149. When the Legislature is
not in session and upon recommendation of the State Budget
Officer, the Governor may approve necessary adjustments to these
consolidations for a period not to exceed the end of the current
fiscal year. The Director of the Office of Fiscal and Program
Review must be notified of any such action. The unencumbered
balance of each administrative account established pursuant to
this section must be carried forward at the end of each fiscal
year, and the budgeted transfers to the administrative account
for the ensuing fiscal year must be proportionally reduced by
the amount of that carried balance.

Sec. A-16. Unified state budget. The Governor, when submitting the
budget to the Legislature, shall submit the budget document
and the General Fund and Highway Fund bills in a manner that
will identify the gross amount of resources for each program.
The gross unified budget bills and budget document encompass
resources from all funds, including, but not limited to:
General Fund, Highway Fund, Federal Expenditures Fund, Federal
Block Grant Fund and Other Special Revenue funds. Separate
gross unified budget bills must be submitted for the General
Fund and the Highway Fund.

Sec. A-17. Line category amounts of General Fund and Highway Fund. The amounts
included in the unified state budget by line category are the
amounts included immediately under the appropriations and
allocations sections of the individual pages in the budget
document for the General Fund and the Highway Fund. These
amounts, as adjusted by the Legislature, must be used when
preparing work programs by fund for each fiscal year of the

Sec. A-18. Multiple accounts certification. If any amounts identified to a
fund in the source of funds section are distributed to more
than one account within that fund, the state department or
agency head responsible for those funds shall certify to the
State Budget Officer the amounts included in each account by
line category and certify that the sum of the accounts by
fund, by line category, equals the approved totals of the
program within the Act.

Sec. A-19. Year-end closing. The State Controller may close the
books as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal
years ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005. Any bills or
invoices presented after those dates may be paid from
appropriations or allocations for the ensuing year on
recommendation of the State Controller if within the amounts
of approved allotments.

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