LD 1317
pg. 11
Page 10 of 11 An Act To Strengthen Maine's "Do Not Call" List LD 1317 Title Page
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LR 128
Item 1

1. It changes the scope of the application to telemarketers
to include all telemarketers, regardless of their place of
business. Calls made by nonprofit charitable organizations
and political organizations are exempt.

2. It prohibits a telemarketer from blocking the display of
its phone number from the consumer being called.

3. It continues the current restrictions on the use of
automated telephone calling devices to make telemarketing

4. It requires telemarketers making solicitations via
facsimile to provide the name and address of the person making
the solicitation, as well as a toll-free telephone number that
must be answered by an individual on weekdays between the
hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or that automatically deletes the
specified telephone number of the caller from the
telemarketer's database.

5. It requires the Attorney General to establish, either
in-house or through a contract with a private vendor, the
Maine do-not-call list, a database of names, addresses and
telephone numbers of consumers in this State who object to
receiving unsolicited telemarketing or telephone calls.
Although a do-not-call list is required now by law and
maintained by the Attorney General, this bill places
responsibility for the do-not-call list with the Attorney
General. The Attorney General is required to provide
information about the list and forms for enrolling on the
list. The Attorney General may charge a fee of no more than
$3 for inclusion on the list; a consumer remains on the list
for 3 years or until the consumer is assigned a new number.
The list must be updated every month.

6. It allows telemarketers to purchase the Maine do-not-
call list from the Attorney General for a fee not to exceed
$75 and prohibits telemarketers from calling consumers listed
on the Maine do-not-call list.

7. It allows an action to be brought against a telemarketer
by the Attorney General, by a state agency that licenses the
telemarketer or by the affected consumer. A violation is
punishable by a civil penalty or administrative penalty of up
to $3,000 for each violation.

8. It requires the Attorney General to report to the
Legislature every 2 years regarding the Maine do-not-call
list, complaints and enforcement actions and any suggested
changes for improving the regulation of telemarketing.

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