LD 1307
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Create the M... LD 1307 Title Page
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LR 1466
Item 1

Annually, 4% of the fund assets would be transferred to the
General Fund to be appropriated by the Legislature as part of
its normal budget-making process. The fund would also provide
budget stabilization distributions. The proposed amendment
would allow for a supplemental transfer of up to 2% of fund
assets during fiscal years when budgeted economic growth is at
least 1% below long-term economic growth trends or up to 4% of
fund assets when budgeted economic growth is greater than 2%
below long-term economic growth trends. In any fiscal year that
actual General Fund revenue is below projections the fund would
transfer the amount of the revenue shortfall up to 4 percent of
fund assets.

The implementing legislation to be enacted by the
Legislature would establish an independent board of trustees
to oversee the management of fund assets, and the board would
be directed to invest the assets for long-term appreciation,
consistent with the principles of endowment funds that are
designed to provide supporting distributions to a beneficiary
in perpetuity.

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