LD 1304
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LD 1304 Title Page An Act To Provide a Municipal Process for an Initiative To Impose a Property Ta... Page 2 of 2
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §3013 is enacted to read:

§3013.__Initiative to impose limit on property taxes

1.__Petition by voters.__On the written petition of a number
of voters in a municipality equal to at least 10% of the
number of votes cast in the municipality at the last
gubernatorial election, the legislative body of the
municipality shall consider an ordinance to impose a limit on
property taxes as proposed in the petition.__The date each
signature on the petition was made must be written next to the
signature on the petition, and no signature older than one
year is valid.__The ordinance thus proposed, unless enacted
without change by the legislative body of the municipality,
must be submitted to the voters in the municipality together
with any amended form, substitute, or recommendation of the
legislative body of the municipality, and in such manner that
the voters can choose between the competing measures or reject
both.__When there are competing proposals and neither receives
a majority of the votes given for or against both, the one
receiving the most votes must, at the next municipal election
to be held not less than 60 days after the first vote, be
submitted by itself if it receives more than 1/3 of the votes
given for and against both.__If the ordinance initiated is
enacted by the legislative body of the municipality without
change, it may not go to a referendum vote unless in pursuance
of a demand made in accordance with this subsection.__The
municipal officers may order a special election on any measure
that is subject to a vote of the people.

2.__Timing of elections.__The municipal officers shall order
any measure proposed to the legislative body of the
municipality pursuant to subsection 1, and not enacted by that
body without change, referred to the voters of the
municipality at an election to be held in November of the year
in which the petition is filed.

3.__Effective date of measures approved by voters.__Any
measure referred to the voters of the municipality and
approved by a majority of the votes cast must, unless a later
date is specified in the measure, take effect 30 days after
the municipal officers declare the result of the vote.

This section does not apply to a municipality that has a
provision for an initiative by voters in that municipality in
the laws of that municipality.

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