LD 1295
pg. 38
Page 37 of 67 An Act To Enact the Uniform Mediation Act Page 39 of 67
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LR 464
Item 1

2. Section 5(c). Preclusion for use of mediation to plan or
commit crime.

This preclusion reflects a common practice in the States of
exempting from confidentiality protection those mediation
communications that relate to the ongoing or future commission
of a crime, as discussed in the Reporter's Notes to Section
6(a)(4). However, it narrows the preclusion, thus retaining
broader confidentiality, and removes the privilege protection
only when an actor uses or attempts to use the mediation
itself to further the commission of a crime, rather than
lifting the confidentiality protection more broadly to any
discussion of crimes. For example, it would preclude gang
members from claiming that a meeting to plan a drug deal was
really a mediation that would privilege those communications
in a later criminal or civil case.

This Section should be read together with Section 6(a)(4),
which applies to particular communications within a mediation
which are used for the same purposes. The two differ on the
purpose of the mediation: Section 5(c) applies when the
mediation itself is used to further a crime, while Section
6(a)(4) applies to matters that are being mediated for other
purposes but which include discussion of acts or statements
that may be deemed criminal in nature. Under Section 5(c), the
preclusion applies to all mediation communications because the
purpose of the mediation frustrates public policy. Under
Section 6(a)(4), the preclusion only applies to those
mediation communications that have a criminal character; the
privilege may still be asserted to block the introduction of
other communications made during the mediation. This rationale
is discussed more fully in the Comments to Section 6(a)(4).

§10006. Exceptions to privilege

1.__Exceptions.__There is no privilege under section 10004
for a mediation communication that is:

A.__In an agreement evidenced by a record signed by all
parties to the agreement;

B.__Available to the public under Title 1, chapter 13,
subchapter 1 or made during a session of a mediation that
is open, or is required by law to be open, to the public;

C.__A threat or statement of a plan to inflict bodily
injury or commit a crime of violence;

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