LD 1290
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Provide Requirements for Towns To Deorganize LD 1290 Title Page
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LR 963
Item 1

If the Legislature approves the deorganization, the question
concerning deorganization shall must be presented to the voters
of the municipality of the county in which the municipality is
located in the next general election to be held in November.
The election shall must be called, advertised and conducted
according to section 2528 or 2551 61, 251, 938 or 1324.

1. Question posed to voters. The municipal county clerk
shall prepare the ballots on which the following question
shall must appear:

"Shall the (name of municipality) be deorganized?"

2. Requirements for approval. The voters shall indicate
their opinion on this question by a cross or check mark placed
against the word "Yes" or "No." Before becoming effective,
the deorganization must be approved by at least 2/3 of the
voters voting in the general election and the total number of
votes cast for and against deorganization at the election must
equal or exceed 50% of the total number of votes cast in the
municipality county for Governor at the last gubernatorial

3. Declaration of results. The municipal county officers
shall declare the result of the vote. The municipal county
clerk or the assessors of plantations shall file a certificate
of the election result with the Secretary of State within 10
days of the election.


This bill provides a set of requirements that a municipality
must meet in order to be eligible to deorganize. It also
expands voter eligibility on final approval of the
deorganization to all registered voters of the county in which
the municipality is located.

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