LD 1276
pg. 2
Page 1 of 16 An Act To Amend the Sand Dune Laws Page 3 of 16
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LR 349
Item 1

1-G.__Berm.__"Berm" means the flat or gently sloping area
between the high-tide limit and the frontal dune.

1-H.__Building.__"Building" means a roofed structure
designed for habitation, shelter, storage or use as a
gathering place.__For the purposes of this article a
foundation is considered to be a part of a building. A
building may also include a porch attached to the exterior
walls of the building.

1-I.__Building's value.__"Building's value" means:

A.__The assessed value of a building as established by the
municipality where the building is located and adjusted by
the State's certified ratio as applied to the municipality
on the date that the application for a permit is accepted
for processing by the department or, if the application is
received after the work to the building has begun, the
date the work was started; or

B.__The appraised value of a building as established by an
appraised market value assessment completed by a certified
appraiser chosen by the State within 5 years prior to the
date that the application for a permit is accepted for
processing by the department or, if the application for a
permit is received after the work to the building has
begun, the date the work was started.

1-J.__Closed fence.__"Closed fence" means a fence that
effectively blocks the movement of wind, water or sand.

1-K.__Development.__"Development" means the alteration of
property for human use, including, but not limited to, the
creation or alternation of buildings, decks, driveways,
parking areas, lawns, landscaped areas, areas of nonnative
vegetation and any other appurtenant facilities, but excluding
temporary structures.

1-L.__ Dune grass.__"Dune grass" means a grass species
native to coastal sand dune systems with the scientific name
Ammophila breviligulata and commonly referred to as American
beach grass.

1-M.__ Dune restoration.__"Dune restoration" means
restoration of a natural or artificially constructed dune
through the addition of sand and planting of dune vegetation.

1-N.__ Dune vegetation.__"Dune vegetation" means a natural
dune plant community, including, but not limited to, dune
grass, rugosa rose, bayberry, beach pea, beach heather and
pitch pine.

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