LD 1276
pg. 13
Page 12 of 16 An Act To Amend the Sand Dune Laws Page 14 of 16
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LR 349
Item 1

A.__An applicant pursuant to section 480-AA, subsection 1
is eligible for a variance pursuant to this section if the
applicant meets one of the 2 qualifying conditions below.

(1)__A court has determined that the denial of a
permit under this section would constitute a
constitutional taking of property; or

(2)__The department finds that strict application of
the standard from which a variance is sought would
result in undue hardship.__The department may find
that undue hardship exists only when:

(a)__The undeveloped lot was a deeded lot of
record as of August 1, 1983;

(b)__The property can not be put to a reasonable
economic use unless a variance is granted.__In
making this determination, the department shall
consider evidence of the value of the property
when it was purchased or acquired, the
reasonable expectations of the applicant for use
of the property when it was purchased or
acquired and the value and possible uses of the
property without the requested variance;

(c)__The hardship is not the result of action
taken by the applicant or a prior owner; and

(d)__There are no practicable measures or
alternatives that would allow the project to
proceed in compliance with the standard from
which a variance is sought.__The applicant shall
demonstrate that the applicant has explored all
alternatives that would allow the project to
proceed in compliance with the standard from
which a variance is sought and shall explain to
the satisfaction of the department why each such
alternative is unavailable or unreasonable.

B.__After an applicant pursuant to subsection 480-AA,
subsection 1 has demonstrated that the applicant is
eligible for a variance under paragraph A, the applicant
shall also demonstrate that the proposed project meets
both the applicable standards of sections 480-AA and 480-
BB of this chapter, for which a variance is not being
granted, and the following standards.__The following
standards are intended to help minimize the impact on
protected natural resources.

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