LD 1254
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Change the Maine Clean Election Laws LD 1254 Title Page
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LR 175
Item 1

4.__Restrictions.__In an election in which there is no
candidate who is not certified under chapter 14, a person
other than a candidate or a candidate's authorized political
committee may not make an expenditure for a communication sent
by mail for or against a candidate.

Sec. 4. 21-A MRSA §1055, as amended by PL 2001, c. 430, §9, is
further amended by adding a new 3rd paragraph to read:

In an election in which there is no candidate who is not
certified under chapter 14, a political action committee may
not send a communication by mail for or against a candidate.


This bill prohibits anyone other than a candidate or a
candidate's authorized political committee from sending
political communications by mail either for or against a
candidate if all of the candidates in the election are
certified candidates under the Maine Clean Election Act.

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