LD 1238
pg. 9
Page 8 of 9 An Act To Encourage Hunting by Improving Hunting Laws LD 1238 Title Page
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LR 486
Item 1

8. It amends the prohibition on the use of artificial
lights to hunt deer or moose to allow such use except during
the firearm or muzzle-loading season;

9. It allows a person to shoot from a boat as long as the
boat is not being propelled by its motor;

10. It amends the law to remove the requirement that the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife provide bear tags
as part of the big game license;

11. It repeals the prohibition against a person killing a
bear and failing to take the bear with that person;

12. It repeals provisions of law limiting the
transportation of bear and deer out of the State;

13. It repeals the prohibition on baiting deer;

14. It clarifies that a person may shoot only one moose per
year and requires that the name of a person who is awarded a
moose permit through the auction program is removed from the
chance drawing;

15. It repeals the provisions of law prohibiting possession
of a gift bear, deer, moose or wild turkey unless certain
conditions are met;

16. It allows the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife to suspend the game laws regarding game animals that
become nuisance animals and to allow those animals to be
hunted with dogs;

17. It amends the prohibition on placing bear bait within
500 yards of a dump by clarifying the word "dump" to mean a
site permitted or licensed for the disposal of solid waste and
extends the demarcation line around disposal sites to 500

18. It extends the period of time a person can keep an
unregistered wild turkey from 12 to 18 hours, which is an
amount of time consistent with that allowed for keeping other
game animals; and

19. It amends the law to remove provisions pertaining to
the transportation of harvested wild animals and wild birds.

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