LD 1229
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Provide School Vouchers to Students in Overcrowded Schools LD 1229 Title Page
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LR 1400
Item 1

chapter.__Those rules must include a method for calculating
average student-to-teacher ratios and an administrative process
for ensuring that a student's eligibility for a school voucher
is not discriminated against based on that student's selection
of a receiving school. Rules adopted pursuant to this section
are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.


This bill creates a school voucher program for students who
live in households having an annual household income of
$30,000 or less and who attend public schools that have a
student-to-teacher ratio greater than 20 to 1. If a student
who is eligible for a school voucher chooses to leave a public
overcrowded school to attend a public, private or religious
school that has a student-to-teacher ratio less than 20 to 1,
this bill would require the State to pay $3,000 to that
receiving school towards the education of that student. The
remainder of the cost to educate that student at the receiving
school is paid by the sending school, up to an amount equal to
the per-pupil costs at the sending school.

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