LD 1218
pg. 48
Page 47 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 49 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

non-neutral arbitrator and the party appointing that arbitrator
may be the subject of a motion to vacate under Section 23(a)(2).
See Donegal Ins. Co. v. Longo, 415 Pa. Super. 628, 632-34, 610
A.2d 466, 468-69 (1992) (stating that in view of attorney-client
relationship between insured and the non-neutral arbitrator
selected by that party, arbitration proceeding did not comport
with procedural due process). However, an award would be vacated
only where a non-neutral arbitrator fails to disclose
information that amounts to "corruption" or to "misconduct
prejudicing the rights of a party" under Section 23(a)(2)(B) and
(C). The ground of "evident partiality" in Section 23(a)(2)(A)
by its terms only applies to an arbitrator appointed as a
neutral" and it would not make sense to apply this ground to a
non-neutral arbitrator whose function in many arbitration
settings is to be an advocate for one of the parties.

It is also important to note that the disclosure requirements
of Section 12 are waivable under Section 4(a) as to non-
neutral arbitrators appointed by parties. In regard to neutral
arbitrators, the parties under Section 4(b)(3) can vary the
requirements of Section 12 so long as they do not
"unreasonably restrict" the right to disclosure.

6. Often parties agree to a procedure for challenges to
arbitrators, such as a determination by an arbitration
organization. Section 12(f) conditions post-award resort to
the courts under Section 23(a)(2) upon compliance with such
agreed-upon procedures. See, e.g., Bernstein v. Gramercy
Mills, Inc., 16 Mass. App. Ct. 403, 414, 452 N.E.2d 231, 238
(1983) (stating that AAA rule incorporated by arbitration
agreement helps to describe level of non-disclosure that can
lead to invalidation of award).

§8713.__Action by majority

If there is more than one arbitrator, the powers of an
arbitrator must be exercised by a majority of the arbitrators,
but all of them shall conduct the hearing under section 8715,
subsection 3.

Uniform Comment

Because this section is not included in Section 4(b) and
(c), the requirements of majority action and that all
arbitrators must conduct the hearing may be changed by the
parties in their agreement to arbitrate. However, in the
absence of an
agreement to the contrary, a majority will determine claims
and issues when

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