LD 1218
pg. 41
Page 40 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 42 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

is subject to the agreement of the parties, they may choose to
have a person with the type of interest or relationship
described in this subsection serve as a neutral arbitrator.

2. The award granted by an arbitrator who fails to disclose
the type of interest or relationship described in Section
11(b) is subject to a presumption of vacatur under Sections
12(e) and 23(a)(2). An arbitrator who discloses the type of
interest or relationship described in Section 11(b) and who,
despite a timely objection by a party, decides to serve is
subject to vacatur under Sections 12(c) and 23(a)(2).

§8712.__Disclosure by arbitrator

1.__Disclosure of interest, relationship. Before accepting
appointment, an individual who is requested to serve as an
arbitrator, after making a reasonable inquiry, shall disclose
to all parties to the agreement to arbitrate and arbitration
proceeding and to any other arbitrators any known facts that a
reasonable person would consider likely to affect the
impartiality of the arbitrator in the arbitration proceeding,

A.__A financial or personal interest in the outcome of the
arbitration proceeding; and

B.__An existing or past relationship with any of the
parties to the agreement to arbitrate or the arbitration
proceeding, their counsel or representatives, a witness or
another arbitrator.

2. Continuing obligation to disclose.__An arbitrator has a
continuing obligation to disclose to all parties to the
agreement to arbitrate and arbitration proceeding and to any
other arbitrators any facts that the arbitrator learns after
accepting appointment that a reasonable person would consider
likely to affect the impartiality of the arbitrator.

3.__Ground to vacate award.__If an arbitrator discloses a
fact required by subsection 1 or 2 to be disclosed and a party
timely objects to the appointment or continued service of the
arbitrator based upon the fact disclosed, the objection may be
a ground under section 8723, subsection 1, paragraph B for
vacating an award made by the arbitrator.

4.__Court may vacate award.__If the arbitrator did not
disclose a fact as required by subsection 1 or 2, upon timely
objection by a party, the court under section 8723, subsection
1, paragraph B may vacate an award.

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