LD 1218
pg. 31
Page 30 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 32 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

arbitrators have broad authority to order provisional remedies
and interim relief, including interim awards, in order to make a
fair determination of an arbitral matter. This authority has
included the issuance of measures equivalent to civil remedies
of attachment, replevin, and sequestration to preserve assets or
to make preliminary rulings ordering parties to undertake
certain acts that affect the subject matter of the arbitration
proceeding. See, e.g., Island Creek Coal Sales Co. v. City of
Gainesville, Fla., 729 F.2d 1046 (6th Cir. 1984) (upholding
under FAA arbitrator's interim award requiring city to continue
performance of coal purchase contract until further order of
arbitration panel); Fraulo v. Gabelli, 37 Conn. App. 708, 657
A.2d 704 (1995) (upholding under UAA arbitrator's issuance of
preliminary orders regarding sale and proceeds of property);
Fishman v. Streeter, 1992 WL 146830 (Ohio Ct. App., June 25,
1992) (upholding under UAA arbitrator's interim order dissolving
partnership); Park City Assoc. v. Total Energy Leasing Corp., 58
A. D.2d 786, 396 N.Y.S.2d 377 (1977) (upholding under New York
state arbitration statute a preliminary injunction by an
arbitrator); N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2A:23A-6 (allowing provisional
remedies such as "attachment, replevin, sequestration and other
corresponding or equivalent remedies"); AAA, Commercial Disp.
Resolution Pro. R-36, 45 (allowing arbitrator to take "whatever
interim measures he or she deems necessary, including injunctive
relief and measures for the protection or conservation of
property and disposition of perishable goods. Such interim
measures may take the form of an interim award, and the
arbitrator may require security for costs of such measures.");
CPR Rules 12.1, 13.1 (allowing interim measures including those
"for preservation of assets, the conservation of goods or the
sale of perishable goods," requiring "security for the costs of
these measures," and permitting "interim, interlocutory and
partial awards"); UNCITRAL Commer. Arb. Rules, Art. 17
(providing that arbitrators can take "such interim measure of
protection as the arbitral tribunal may consider necessary in
respect of the subject-matter of the dispute," including
security for costs); II Macneil Treatise §§ 25.1.2, 25.3, 36.1.

If an arbitrator orders a provisional remedy under Section
8(b), a party can seek court enforcement of that preaward
ruling under Section 18.

5. The intent of RUAA Section 8(a) is to grant the court
discretion to proceed if a party files a request for a
provisional remedy before an arbitrator is appointed but,
while the court action is pending an arbitrator is appointed.
For example, if a court has issued a temporary restraining
order and an order to show cause but before the order to show
comes to a hearing in the court, an arbitrator is appointed,
the court could continue with the show-cause proceeding and

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