LD 1218
pg. 27
Page 26 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 28 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

arbitration until the court renders a final decision under this

7.__Stay judicial proceeding upon order to arbitrate.__If
the court orders arbitration, the court on just terms shall
stay any judicial proceeding that involves a claim subject to
the arbitration.__If a claim subject to the arbitration is
severable, the court may limit the stay to that claim.

Uniform Comment

The term "summarily" in Section 7(a) and (b) is presently in
UAA Section 2(a) and (b). It has been defined to mean that a
trial court should act expeditiously and without a jury trial
to determine whether a valid arbitration agreement exists.
Grad v. Wetherholt Galleries, 660 A.2d 903 (D.C. 1995);
Wallace v. Wiedenbeck, 251 A.D.2d 1091, 674 N.Y.S.2d 230, 231
(N.Y. App. Div. 1998); Burke v. Wilkins, 507 S.E.2d 913 (N.C.
Ct. App. 1998); In re MHI P'ship, Ltd., 7 S.W.3d 918 (Tex. Ct.
App. 1999). The term is also used in Section 4 of the FAA.

§8708.__Provisional remedies

1.__Order for provisional remedies before arbitrator can
act.__Before an arbitrator is appointed and is authorized and
able to act, the court, upon motion of a party to an
arbitration proceeding and for good cause shown, may enter an
order for provisional remedies to protect the effectiveness of
the arbitration proceeding to the same extent and under the
same conditions as if the controversy were the subject of a
civil action.

2.__Provisional remedies ordered by arbitrator.__After an
arbitrator is appointed and is authorized and able to act:

A.__The arbitrator may issue such orders for provisional
remedies, including interim awards, as the arbitrator
finds necessary to protect the effectiveness of the
arbitration proceeding and to promote the fair and
expeditious resolution of the controversy, to the same
extent and under the same conditions as if the controversy
were the subject of a civil action; and

B.__A party to an arbitration proceeding may move the
court for a provisional remedy only if the matter is
urgent and the arbitrator is not able to act timely or the
can not provide an adequate remedy.

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