LD 1218
pg. 13
Page 12 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 14 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

B.__Agree to unreasonably restrict the right under section
8709 to notice of the initiation of an arbitration

C.__Agree to unreasonably restrict the right under section
8712 to disclosure of any facts by a neutral arbitrator;

D.__Waive the right under section 8716 of a party to an
agreement to arbitrate to be represented by a lawyer at
any proceeding or hearing under this chapter, but an
employer and a labor organization may waive the right to
representation by a lawyer in a labor arbitration.

3.__Requirements that may not be waived or varied.__A party
to an agreement to arbitrate or arbitration proceeding may not
waive, or the parties may not vary the effect of the
requirements of this section or section 8703, subsection 1 or
3; 8707; 8714; 8718; 8720, subsection 4 or 5; 8722; 8723;
8724; 8725, subsection 1 or 2; 8729; 8730; or 8731.

Uniform Comment

1. Section 4 is similar to provisions in the Uniform
Partnership Act (Section 103) and in the proposed Revised
Uniform Limited Partnership Act (Section 101B). The intent of
Section 4 is to indicate that, although the RUAA is primarily
a default statute and the parties' autonomy as expressed in
their agreements concerning an arbitration normally should
control the arbitration, there are provisions that parties
cannot waive prior to a dispute arising under an arbitration
agreement or cannot waive at all.

2. Section 4(a) embodies the notion of party autonomy in
shaping their arbitration agreement or arbitration process. It
should be noted that, subject to Section 4(b) and (c) and in
accordance with Comment 1 to Section 6, although the parties'
arbitration agreement must be in a record, they subsequently
may vary that agreement orally, for instance, during the
arbitration proceeding.

3. The phrase "to the extent permitted by law" is included
in Section 4(a) to inform the parties that they cannot vary
the terms of an arbitration agreement from the RUAA if the
result would violate applicable law. This situation occurs
most often when a party includes unconscionable provisions in
an arbitration agreement. See Comment 7 to Section 6. The law
in some circumstances may disallow parties from limiting
certain remedies, such as attorney's fees and punitive or
other exemplary

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