LD 1218
pg. 11
Page 10 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 12 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

whether entered into before or after the effective date of the
RUAA, will be governed by the RUAA rather than the UAA.

2. Section 20 of the UAA provided that the law was
applicable only to agreements entered into after the effective
date of the Act. The Drafting Committee rejected this approach
in the RUAA. If it were followed, such a section would cause
two sets of rules to develop for arbitration agreements under
state arbitration law: one for agreements under the UAA and
one for agreements under the RUAA. This is especially
troublesome in situations where parties have a continuing
relationship that is governed by a contract with an
arbitration clause. There would be no mechanism, such as
Section 3(b) for these parties to opt into the provisions of
the RUAA without rescinding their initial agreement. Section
3(c) also sets a time certain when all arbitration agreements
will be governed by the RUAA. The time between when parties
may opt into coverage under the RUAA and when parties'
agreements must be governed by the RUAA will give parties a
reasonable amount of time in which to learn of and adapt their
arbitration agreements to the changes made by the RUAA.

3. Section 3 operates in conjunction with Section 31, the
effective date of the Act; Section 32, that repeals the UAA or
present arbitration statute in a State as of the delayed date
which is the same delayed date as in Section 3(c), and Section
33, a savings clause that preserves actions or proceedings
accruing before the RUAA takes effect and provides that,
subject to Section 3, an arbitration agreement made prior to
the effective date of the RUAA is governed by the UAA.

The approach taken in Sections 3, 31, 32, and 33 may cause a
problem in some States that do not allow one statute, the
RUAA, to amend another statute, the UAA. Some States may have
to amend its current UAA so that it will not apply to
arbitration agreements made after the effective date of the
RUAA but before the delayed date of repeal of the UAA. Another
possibility that a State with such a problem may consider is
to incorporate the repealed UAA into the RUAA.

4. The following is an illustration of how Sections 3, 31,
32, and 33 operate. Assume that a state legislature passes the
RUAA and, in accordance with Section 31, makes the RUAA
effective on January 1, 2005, and, in accordance with Sections
3(c) and 32, chooses a date of January 1, 2007, [referred to
as the "delayed date" in Sections 3(c) and 32] by which all
arbitration agreements in the State must conform to the RUAA
and on which the UAA will be repealed. Under Sections 3(a) and
31 any agreements entered into after January 1, 2005, would be
covered by the RUAA. Under Sections 3(b) and 33 for the period
between January 1,

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