LD 1209
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Conform the State Compromise of Tax Liability Procedure with Federal ... LD 1209 Title Page
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LR 1335
Item 1

consideration of offers in compromise.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this subsection are major substantive rules as defined in
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.


This bill replaces the current law regarding the ability of
the State Tax Assessor to compromise a tax liability. This

1. Allows the assessor to compromise any tax liability;

2. Requires the general counsel for the Bureau of Revenue
Services to review and explain the reason for the offer of
compromise if the amount owed, including interest and other
added amounts, is at least $50,000;

3. Requires the assessor to maintain a report showing the
specifics of the compromise, including the amount assessed and
the amount actually paid under the compromise;

4. Requires the assessor to establish guidelines to be used
by officers and employees of the bureau in determining whether
to grant offers in compromise and the amount that must be
retained by the taxpayer making the offer in compromise in
order to provide for basic living expenses; and

5. Allows the Attorney General to compromise the tax
liability of any civil or criminal case that is referred to
the Attorney General for prosecution or defense.

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