LD 1199
pg. 19
Page 18 of 22 An Act To Establish the Lincoln and Sagadahoc Multicounty Jail Authority Page 20 of 22
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LR 571
Item 1

8.__Tax exemption.__All bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness issued under this chapter, and their transfer and
the income from bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness, including any profit made on the sale of bonds,
notes or other evidences of indebtedness, are at all times
free from taxation inside the State.

9.__Bonds declared legal investments.__Bonds and notes
issued by the jail authority under this chapter are securities
in which:__all public officers and public bodies of the State
and its political subdivisions; all insurance companies and
associations and other persons carrying on an insurance
business; trust companies, banks, bankers, banking
associations, savings banks and savings associations,
including savings and loan associations, credit unions,
building and loan associations, investment companies,
executors, administrators, trustees and other fiduciaries of
pension, profit-sharing, retirement funds; other persons
carrying on a banking business; and all other persons who are
now, or may be, authorized to invest in bonds or other
obligations of the State, may properly and legally invest
funds, including capital in their control or belonging to
them. The bonds and notes are made securities that may
properly and legally be deposited with and received by any
state, municipal or public officer, or any agency or political
subdivision of the State, for any purpose for which the
deposit of bonds or other obligations of the State is now or
may be authorized by law.

10.__Certain bond issues; notice; special meeting; vote.__In
the event that the directors vote to authorize bonds or notes
for any of the corporate purposes of the jail authority,
excluding notes payable within one year or notes in
anticipation of the revenues to be collected or received in
any year or notes in anticipation of bonds that have already
been authorized in accordance with this chapter or notes in
anticipation of the receipt of approved federal or state
grants, the authorized amount of which, singly or in the
aggregate included in any one financing, is 10% or less of the
operating budget, the directors do not need consent of the
counties, but shall provide notice to the general public:

A.__Of the proposed bond or note issue and the purposes
for which the debt is being incurred; and

B.__Of a special jail authority meeting for the purpose of
permitting the collection of testimony from the public
concerning the amount of the debt so authorized.

Notice of the proposed bond or note issue, the purposes for
which the debt is being issued and the call of the special
meeting must

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