LD 1199
pg. 11
Page 10 of 22 An Act To Establish the Lincoln and Sagadahoc Multicounty Jail Authority Page 12 of 22
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LR 571
Item 1

must be given once a week for 2 successive weeks, the last
publication to be at least 2 weeks prior to the time appointed
in the hearing. The hearing notice must include:

A.__The time and place of the hearing;

B.__A description of the land or easement proposed to be
taken; and

C.__The name of the owners, if known.

§1904.__Condemnation proceedings

The jail authority formed under this chapter, in exercising
the right of eminent domain conferred upon it by section 1902
shall file in the office of the commissioners of the county in
which the property to be taken is located and cause to be
recorded in the registry of deeds in the county plans of the
location of all lands, real estate, easements or interest in
lands, real estate or easements, with an appropriate
description and the names of the owners, if known.__When for
any reason the jail authority fails to acquire property that
the jail authority is authorized to take and that is described
in that location, or if the description of the location so
recorded is defective and uncertain, the authority may, at any
time, correct and perfect the description of the location and
file a new description.__In that case, the jail authority is
liable in damages only for property for which the owner had
not previously been paid, to be assessed as of the time of the
original taking, and the jail authority is not liable for any
acts that would have been justified if the original taking had
been lawful.__Entry may not be made on any private lands,
except to make surveys, until the expiration of 10 days from
the filing, at which time possession may be had of all the
lands, real estate, easements or interests in lands, real
estate or easements and other property and rights to be taken,
but title may not vest in the jail authority until payment for
the property.


If a person sustaining damages by the taking by the jail
authority under section 1903 does not agree with the jail
authority upon the sum to be paid, either party, upon petition
to the superior court of the county in which the property is
located, may have the damages assessed by the superior court.__
The procedure and all subsequent proceedings and right of
appeal must be under the same restrictions, conditions and
limitations as are or may be by law prescribed in the case of
damages by the laying out of highways by the commissioners,
except that title to the lands, real estate, easements or
interests in lands, real

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