LD 1196
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Clarify the Definition of Independent Expenditures Under the Election... Page 3 of 4
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LR 972
Item 1

Sec. 4. 21-A MRSA §1019-B is enacted to read:

§1019-B.__Reports of independent electioneering expenditures

1.__Independent electioneering expenditures; definition.__
For the purposes of this section, "independent electioneering
expenditure" means any expenditure made by a person, party
committee, political committee or political action committee,
other than by contribution to a candidate or a candidate's
authorized political committee, aggregating in excess of $100
during any one candidate's election for any communication

A.__Expressly advocates the election or defeat of a
clearly identified candidate; or

B.__In races involving a candidate who is certified as a
Maine Clean Election Act candidate under section 1125,
subsection 5, names or depicts a clearly identified
candidate during the 45 calendar days before a primary
election or the 60 calendar days before a general election
for the purpose of promoting the election or defeat of
that candidate.

2.__Presumption.__A communication made under subsection 1,
paragraph B is presumed to be for the purpose of promoting the
election or defeat of a candidate if it:

A.__Is made by a political party, political committee or
political action committee, or by a person acting in
cooperation, consultation or concert with, or at the
request or suggestion of, a political party, political
committee or political action committee; or

B.__Makes reference to an upcoming election and is
targeted to the clearly identified candidate's district.

3.__Exceptions.__A communication is not an independent
electioneering expenditure under subsection 1, paragraph B if
all references to candidates are limited to:

A.__Urging contact with an elected official concerning
pending government business; or

B.__Promotion of a business or commercial interest of the
candidate that is unrelated to the candidacy and in which
the candidate has held an interest for a minimum of 6
months before qualifying as a candidate.

4.__Report required; content; rules.__A person, party
committee, political committee or political action committee

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