LD 1188
pg. 7
Page 6 of 9 An Act To Control Unsolicited Commercial E-mail Page 8 of 9
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LR 1718
Item 1

(1) Tangible or intangible;

(2) In a format readable by humans or by a computer;

(3) In transit between computers or within a computer
network or between any devices that comprise a
computer; or

(4) Located on any paper or in any device on which it
is stored by a computer or by a human; and

D. Computer services.

14. "Unsolicited bulk electronic mail" means any
electronically mailed document consisting of advertising
material for the lease, sale, rental, gift offer or other
disposition of any realty, goods, services or extension of
credit that meets both of the following requirements:

A. The document is addressed to a recipient with whom the
initiator does not have an existing business or personal
relationship; and

B. The document is not sent at the request of, or with the
express consent of, the recipient.

Transmission of electronic mail from an organization to its
members is not unsolicited bulk electronic mail.

Sec. 11. 17-A MRSA §434 is enacted to read:

§434. Computer trespass; penalty

1.__A person is guilty of computer trespass if that person
intentionally or knowingly:

A. Uses a computer or computer network without authority
and with the intent to:

(1) Temporarily or permanently remove, halt or
otherwise disable any computer data, computer
programs or computer software from the computer or
computer network;

(2) Cause the computer to malfunction, regardless of
how long the malfunction persists;

(3) Alter or erase any computer data, computer
programs or computer software;

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