LD 1188
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LR 1718
Item 1

perform computer operations with or on computer data and can
communicate the results to another computer or a person.__
"Computer" includes any connected or directly related device,
equipment or facility that enables the computer to store,
retrieve or communicate computer programs, computer data or the
results of computer operations to or from a person, another
computer or another device.

Sec. 3. 17-A MRSA §431, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__"Computer data" or "data" means any representation of
information, knowledge, facts, concepts or instructions that
is being prepared or has been prepared and is intended to be
processed, is being processed or has been processed in a
computer or computer network. "Computer data" may be in any
form, whether readable only by a computer or only by a human
or by either, including, but not limited to, computer
printouts, magnetic storage media, punched cards, or stored
internally in the memory of the computer.

Sec. 4. 17-A MRSA §431, sub-§4-A is enacted to read:

4-A.__"Computer operation" means arithmetic, logical,
monitoring, storage or retrieval functions and any combination
of those functions and includes, but is not limited to,
communication with, storage of data to or retrieval of data
from any device or human hand manipulation of electronic or
magnetic impulses. A "computer operation" for a particular
computer may also be any function for which that computer was
generally designed.

Sec. 5. 17-A MRSA §431, sub-§5-A is enacted to read:

5-A.__"Computer services" means external services, including
data processing services, Internet services, electronic mail
services and electronic message services, and information or
data stored in connection with those services.

Sec. 6. 17-A MRSA §431, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 620, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

6.__"Computer software" means a set of computer programs,
procedures and associated documentation concerned with
computer data or with the operation of a computer, computer
program or computer network.

Sec. 7. 17-A MRSA §431, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 620, is
amended to read:

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