LD 1183
pg. 1
LD 1183 Title Page An Act Regarding Abandoned Rights-of-way LD 1183 Title Page
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LR 1679
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §3028, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 195, is
amended to read:

1. Presumption of abandonment. It is prima facie evidence
that a town or county way not kept passable for the use of
motor vehicles at the expense of the municipality or county
for a period of 30 or more consecutive years has been
discontinued by abandonment. A presumption of abandonment may
be rebutted by evidence that manifests a clear intent by the
municipality or county and the public to consider or use the
way as if it were a public way. A proceeding to discontinue a
town or county way may not prevent or estop a municipality
from asserting a presumption of abandonment. A municipality
or its officials are not liable for nonperformance of a legal
duty with respect to such ways if there has been a good faith
reliance on a presumption of abandonment. Any person affected
by a presumption of abandonment, including the State or a
municipality, may seek declaratory relief to finally resolve
the status of such ways. A way that has been abandoned under
this section is relegated to the same status as it would have
had after a discontinuance pursuant to section 3026, except
that this status is at all times subject to an affirmative
vote of the legislative body of the municipality within which
the way lies making that way an easement for recreational use.
A presumption of abandonment is not rebutted by evidence that
shows isolated acts of maintenance, unless other evidence
exists that shows a clear intent by the municipality or county
to consider or use the way as if it were a public way.


This bill removes the provision of law that allows the
legislative body of a municipality to vote to have an easement
for recreational use over a town or county way that has been
discontinued by abandonment because the town or county did not
keep that town or county way passable for the use of motor
vehicles for a period of 30 or more consecutive years.

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