LD 1181
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Provide Fair Hearings in Health Insurance Rate Proceedings Page 3 of 4
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LR 1341
Item 1

hearing and to the public no later than 30 days prior to
the hearing.

D.__Notwithstanding the requirements for filing in
paragraph C, if a hearing officer determines the report
provided pursuant to paragraph B does not sufficiently
address the information required to be provided in that
report, the hearing officer may allow an extension of time
for actuarial staff to provide additional information in
the report.

E. The carrier has the burden to prove that the rates
requested are reasonable relative to the benefits and
coverage offered.

F.__A hearing officer shall make a recommended decision to
the superintendent after the hearing.__The superintendent
may accept the decision, accept the decision with
modifications or reject the decision recommended by the
hearing officer.__The superintendent shall notify each
party to the hearing of the superintendent's decision and
notify each party of the party's right to review or appeal
of the decision.

3.__Advocacy panel.__When a rate hearing is required
pursuant to subsection 1, the bureau shall impanel an advocacy
panel to represent the interests of consumers and the public.__
The bureau may contract for the services of an advocacy panel
if existing staff resources are not adequate to represent the
interests of consumers and the public.__The carrier making the
rate filing shall pay the cost of participation of the
advocacy panel.

4.__Rules.__The bureau, after notice and hearing, may adopt
rules to implement this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to
this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §2736, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 344, §8,
is further amended to read:

2. Filing; information. When a filing is not accompanied
by the information upon which the insurer supports such
filing, or the superintendent does not have sufficient
information to determine whether such filing meets the
requirements that rates not be excessive unreasonable relative
to the benefits and coverage offered, inadequate or unfairly
discriminatory, the superintendent shall require the insurer
to furnish the information upon which it supports the filing.
A filing and supporting information are public records within
the meaning of

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