LD 1177
pg. 8
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LR 1057
Item 1

E.__Ensure that acquisition of land and management of land
by the board do not result in a decrease in property taxes
collected by the local taxing authority by providing
payments on the land in lieu of taxes to that taxing
authority; and

F.__On January 31, 2005 and on January 31st every 2 years
thereafter, report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over conservation matters
on expenditures from the fund and revisions to the
strategies and guidelines set out in paragraph A.

3.__Assistance.__The Department of Conservation; the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; the Department of
Transportation; the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources; the Executive Department, State Planning Office;
and all other state agencies shall provide staff support and
assistance necessary to fulfill the objectives of this
chapter.__If agency assistance is not available, consultants
may be hired from the proceeds of the fund to assist the board
in carrying out its responsibilities.

§6407.__Acquisition; title; management

1.__Uses of funds.__The board may use the fund to acquire
real property with both fee and less-than-fee simple interest,
including, but not limited to, conservation easements, access
easements, scenic easements, other permanent interests in land
and long-term leases of at least 99 years, if those
acquisitions are primarily lands meeting the criteria set
forth in this chapter.

2.__Title.__Title to lands acquired pursuant to this chapter
must be vested solely in the State.__The deed to land acquired
pursuant to this chapter must specify that the property be
used for timber management and harvesting.__Management
responsibilities for the acquired lands may be contracted by
the board to cooperating entities, subject to appropriate
lease arrangements, upon the approval of the board.

3.__Payments.__Payments from the fund may be made to a
cooperating entity for qualifying lands acquired on behalf of
the State, if the board has issued to the cooperating entity a
letter of intent requesting assistance in the acquisition.
Upon submission to the board of a cooperating entity's direct
expenses for acquisition and related costs of an authorized
acquisition, the board shall authorize payment of those
expenses, as long as the total of all expenses does not exceed
the appraised value of the acquired property.__Expenses must
be paid at intervals during the acquisition process, as
determined by the board.

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