LD 1177
pg. 20
Page 19 of 20 An Act To Preserve Public Access and Job Opportunities in the North Woods LD 1177 Title Page
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LR 1057
Item 1

contain on its face a statement to the effect that neither the
State nor any political subdivision of the State is obligated to
pay the securities or the interest on the securities, except
from revenues of the board or the project, projects or part of
any project for which they are issued and that neither the faith
and credit nor the taxing power of the State or of any political
subdivision of the State is pledged to the payment of the
principal of or the interest on the securities.__The issuance of
securities under this Act does not directly, indirectly or
contingently obligate the State or any political subdivision of
the State to levy or to pledge any form of taxation or to make
any appropriation for payment.__Nothing contained in this
section may prevent or be construed to prevent the board from
pledging its full faith and credit to the payment of securities
authorized pursuant to this Act.

§6426.__Gifts and contributions

The board may accept gifts and contributions as provided in
section 6405, subsection 21 for the purpose of acquiring or
managing a project, projects or part of any project.__The
board, in accepting gifts of money, federal funds or other
types of income, shall place this money in a special account
for the purpose for which it is provided.__The board may
invest the money as provided in this chapter, subject to any
limitations imposed by the donor.

§6427.__Continuing disclosure

With respect to any securities of the board, the Treasurer
of State may enter into any agreement for the benefit of the
holders of securities of the board to provide annual financial
information with respect to the State in order to assist
underwriters of the securities of the board in complying with
any applicable regulation promulgated by the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to annual
financial information.


This bill creates the Maine Woods Act and establishes the
Maine Woods Board as a public instrumentality of the State.
The board's central duty is to support sustainable forestry
and provide public access and recreational opportunities
through the acquisition and maintenance of forest lands. The
board has independent bonding authority to support the Maine
Woods Fund,
as established in this bill.

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