LD 1175
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act To Improve the Affordability of Individual and Small Group Health Insura... Page 6 of 7
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LR 1542
Item 1

A health maintenance organization authorized pursuant to
chapter 56 may impose penalties in its 2 standardized small
group health plans through its utilization review procedures
that apply per admission or per encounter.__Those penalties
must be consistent with the normal requirements applicable to
benefits in that health maintenance organization.

Sec. 11. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 325,
§1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

9.__Reinsurance mechanism.__Small group carriers shall
participate in a reinsurance pool for the purpose of
reinsuring small group risks.__The participants in the plan of
operation of the pool shall guarantee, without limitation, the
solvency of the pool.__That guarantee constitutes a permanent
financial obligation of each participant on a pro rata basis.

Sec. 12. 24-A MRSA §2808-B, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10.__Minimum return of aggregate premiums.__For all policies
issued on or after October 15, 2003, the Superintendent of
Insurance shall disapprove any premium rates filed by any
carrier, whether initial or revised, for a small group health
policy unless it is anticipated that the aggregate benefits
estimated to be paid under all the health insurance policies
maintained in force by the carrier for the period for which
coverage is to be provided will return to policyholders at
least 85% of the aggregate premiums collected for those
policies, as determined in accordance with accepted actuarial
principles and practices and on the basis of incurred claims
experience and earned premiums.

Sec. 13. 24-A MRSA §4202-A, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2001, c. 218,
§1, is further amended to read:

1. Basic health care services. "Basic health care
services" means health care services that an enrolled
population might reasonably require in order to be maintained
in good health and includes, at a minimum, emergency care,
inpatient hospital care, inpatient physician services,
outpatient physician services, ancillary services such as x-
ray services and laboratory services and all benefits mandated
by statute and mandated by rule applicable to health
maintenance organizations. The superintendent may adopt rules
defining "basic health care services" to be provided by health
maintenance organizations. In adopting such rules, the
superintendent shall consider the coverages that have
traditionally been provided by health maintenance
organizations; the need for flexibility in the marketplace;
and the importance of providing multiple options to employers
and consumers. The superintendent may not shall require

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