LD 1158
pg. 7
Page 6 of 14 An Act To Protect Maine's Coastal Water Page 8 of 14
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LR 1259
Item 1

other wastewater from a large commercial passenger vessel into
the coastal waters of the State unless:

A.__The vessel is underway and proceeding at a speed of
not less than 6 knots;

B.__The vessel is at least one nautical mile from the
nearest shore, except in areas that are within one
nautical mile and are designated by the department for
discharge release;

C.__The discharge complies with all applicable vessel
effluent standards established under the federal cruise
ship regulations and any other applicable law; the
standards under the federal cruise ship regulations and
other applicable law may be adopted by rule by the
department; and

D.__The vessel is not in an area where the discharge of
treated sewage, gray water or other wastewater is

6.__Exception to discharge limitations.__Under certain
circumstances, the department may adopt rules allowing the
discharge of treated sewage or gray water, otherwise
prohibited under subsection 5, paragraphs A and B.

A.__The department may adopt rules allowing the discharge
of treated sewage or gray water, otherwise prohibited
under subsection 5, paragraphs A and B, where the
discharge meets effluent standards determined by the
department as appropriate for discharges into the coastal
environment.__In adopting the rules, the department shall
take into account the best available scientific
information on the environmental effects of the regulated
discharges.__The effluent discharge standards adopted
under this section must, at a minimum, be consistent with
all relevant state water quality standards.

B.__Until such time as the department adopts rules under
paragraph A, treated sewage and gray water may be
discharged from vessels subject to this subchapter in
circumstances otherwise prohibited under subsection 5,
paragraphs A and B, as long as:

(1)__The discharge satisfies the minimum level of
effluent quality specified in 40 Code of Federal
Regulations Section 133.102;

(2)__The geometric mean of the samples from the discharge
during any 30-day period does not exceed 20 fecal coliform per
100 milliliters and not more than 10

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