LD 1158
pg. 3
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LR 1259
Item 1

regulations adopted under 33 United States Code, Sections 1251
to 1376 or under the federal cruise ship regulations.

15.__Untreated sewage.__"Untreated sewage" means sewage that
is not treated sewage.

16.__Vessel.__"Vessel" means any form or manner of
watercraft, other than a seaplane on the water, whether or not
capable of self-propulsion.

17. Voyage.__"Voyage" means a vessel trip to or from one or
more ports of call in the State with the majority of the
passengers for hire completing the entire vessel trip.__A
vessel trip involving stops at more than one port of call is
considered a single voyage so long as the majority of
passengers for hire complete the entire trip.

§333.__Registration requirements

1.__Registration.__Except as provided in section 339-C, each
calendar year in which the owner or operator of a commercial
passenger vessel intends to operate, or causes or allows to be
operated, the vessel in the coastal waters of the State, the
owner or operator of the vessel shall register with the
department. The registration must be completed before the time
any commercial passenger vessel of the owner or operator
enters the coastal waters of the State in that calendar year.
The registration must include the following information:

A.__The vessel owner's business name and, if different,
the vessel operator's business name for each commercial
passenger vessel of the owner or operator that is
scheduled to be in the coastal waters of the State during
the calendar year;

B.__The postal address, electronic mail address, telephone
number and facsimile number for the principal place of
each business identified under paragraph A;

C.__The name and address of an agent for service of
process for each business identified under paragraph A.__
The owner and operator shall continuously maintain a
designated agent for service of process whenever a
commercial passenger vessel of the owner or operator is in
the coastal waters of the State, and the agent must be an
individual resident of this State, a domestic corporation
or a foreign corporation having a place of business in and
authorized to do business in this State;

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