LD 1143
pg. 23
Page 22 of 24 An Act Concerning Endangered and Invasive Plant Species Page 24 of 24
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LR 167
Item 1

(368)__Woodsia glabella, commonly known as smooth

(369)__Woodsia obtusa, commonly known as blunt-lobed

(370)__Woodwardia areolata, commonly known as netted

(371)__Xyris smalliana, commonly known as yellow-eyed

(372)__Zannichellia palustris, commonly known as
horned pondweed; and

(373)__Zosterella dubia, commonly known as water

D.__Prior to recommending an addition, deletion or other
change to the endangered and threatened species listed in
subsection 3-A, the commissioner shall provide for public
notice and public hearings on that proposed recommendation
in accordance with the provisions of Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2.

E.__The Legislature may not amend the list of endangered
or threatened species in subsection 3-A except upon the
recommendation of the commissioner.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §544-B, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Exotic invasive aquatic or terrestrial plants.__The
commissioner shall establish and maintain a register of exotic
invasive aquatic and terrestrial plants that are commercially
available in the State.__As used in this section, "exotic
invasive aquatic or terrestrial plant" means an aquatic or
terrestrial nonindigenous species that threatens or could
threaten the diversity or abundance of native species, the
ecological stability of infested waters or commercial,
agricultural, aquacultural or recreational activity dependent
on such waters.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §7806, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 434, Pt. A, §5,
is amended to read:

§7806. Lake and River Protection Fund

The Lake and River Protection Fund, referred to in this
section as "the "fund," is created within the department as a
nonlapsing fund. The fund must be administered by the

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