LD 1142
pg. 3
Page 2 of 16 An Act To Restructure the Power and Duties within the Animal Welfare Act Page 4 of 16
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LR 1131
Item 1

unclassified employees whose training, compensation and hours of
employment are determined by the commissioner.

13. Spaying and neutering fund. The commissioner chief
humane agent may accept funds from any private or public
source for the purpose of subsidizing spaying and neutering.
The commissioner chief humane agent shall deposit all funds
accepted for this purpose into a separate, nonlapsing spaying
and neutering account. The commissioner chief humane agent
shall establish guidelines for payments and make payments from
the fund. All payments from the fund must be used to
subsidize spaying and neutering of dogs and cats.

14. Information. The commissioner chief humane agent may
obtain, develop or disseminate any information useful or
convenient for carrying out any purpose or power of the
commissioner chief humane agent.

15. Annual report. The commissioner chief humane agent
shall report the activities of the commissioner chief humane
agent annually by March 1st to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over agricultural matters.
This report must include a summary of cases of cruelty to
animals investigated by the commissioner chief humane agent, a
summary of final dispositions of those cases and an account of
deposits into and payments from the spaying and neutering

Sec. 3. 7 MRSA §3906-C, first ¶, as repealed and replaced by PL 2001,
c. 399, §3, is amended to read:

The Animal Welfare Advisory Council, as established by Title
5, section 12004-I, subsection 2-C and referred to in this
section as the "council," shall advise the commissioner chief
humane agent on matters pertaining to animal welfare.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §3906-C, sub-§§2, 4 and 6, as repealed and replaced by PL
2001, c. 399, §3, are amended to read:

2. State member; staff. The commissioner chief humane agent
or the commissioner's chief humane agent's designee serves as
an ex officio nonvoting member. The department shall provide
necessary staffing services to the council.

4. Terms of office. Except for initial appointees and the
commissioner chief humane agent or the commissioner's chief
humane agent's designee, each member serves for a term of 3
years or until the member's successor has qualified. Except
for the commissioner chief humane agent or the commissioner's
chief humane agent's designee, a member may not serve more
than 2 consecutive terms. In the case of a vacancy for any
reason, the

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