LD 1139
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Increase Parental Responsibility for Restitution LD 1139 Title Page
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LR 1151
Item 1

represented by counsel and that the court may appoint counsel if
the court finds that person indigent.


This bill increases the limit of liability from $800 to
$10,000 for a parent or guardian for damage caused by that
parent or guardian's minor child. It provides that when a
juvenile has been adjudicated as having committed a juvenile
crime and the court orders restitution and subsequently finds
that the earning capacity of the juvenile is insufficient to
pay restitution to the victim, the court may order a custodial
parent or legal guardian to make restitution to the victim of
the offense for which the juvenile was adjudicated. It also
provides that a court may order the parents or legal guardian
of a juvenile who has been adjudicated as having committed a
juvenile crime to personally participate in counseling,
education and treatment reasonably available in the parents'
or legal guardian's area. Finally, it permits a court to
invoke its contempt powers to enforce an order entered
regarding dispositional alternatives for juveniles.

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