LD 1128
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Amend the Town Line between Yarmouth and Cumberland LD 1128 Title Page
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LR 225
Item 1

distance of 1187 feet, more or less, to the assumed
easterly sideline of said Greely Road;

Thence in a general northerly and northwesterly direction
along said Greely Road a distance of 939 feet, more or
less, to the point of beginning, containing 33 acres, more
or less.

All of the land, as described in this section, including
buildings, intertidal land, submerged land, freshwater or
saltwater ponds and river beds, is part of the territory.

Sec. 3. Property taxes; municipal services. The territory remains a part
of the Town of Yarmouth for all purposes, including
liabilities, obligations and the collection and disbursement
of property taxes, up to the effective date of separation, and
the Town of Yarmouth shall maintain its customary level of
municipal services to the territory until that date. After
the effective date of separation, the Town of Cumberland shall
assess and collect property taxes and provide municipal
services to the territory.


This bill separates a 33-acre parcel of property from the
Town of Yarmouth and annexes it to the Town of Cumberland.

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