LD 1112
pg. 1
LD 1112 Title Page An Act To Restore an Annual Adjustment for Costs to the School Funding Formula ... LD 1112 Title Page
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LR 36
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §15652, sub-§4-A is enacted to read:

4-A.__Normalized regional cost adjustment.__"Normalized
regional cost adjustment" means a factor that is used to
adjust a median household income value up or down to reflect
variations in regional costs.__The statewide normalized
regional cost adjustment is one.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §15657, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 401, Pt.
GG, §9, is further amended to read:

2. Local median household income. The local median
household income is divided by the statewide average median
household income. That amount is divided by the normalized
regional cost adjustment as defined in section 15652,
subsection 4-A. The final result is multiplied by an income
weight of 0.15. The department shall use local median
household income data as estimated at the fiscal year 1997-98
level until final Federal Decennial Census figures are
established for the year 2000. The fiscal year 1997-98
estimated census figures must be adjusted so that no
municipality's census figure exceeds twice the state average
percentage increase from fiscal year 1996-97 to fiscal year


The purpose of this bill is restore to the school funding
formula an annual adjustment to reflect variations in costs.
The School Finance Act of 1995 used to factor in the school
funding formula an adjustment to reflect variations in
regional costs. Public Law 1999, chapter 401, Part GG,
section 5 eliminated this adjustment. This bill restores that
adjustment into the formula.

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