LD 1093
pg. 3
Page 2 of 11 An Act to Conform State Workforce Development Laws to the Federal Workforce Inv... Page 4 of 11
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required for the purpose of implementing the Federal Job
Training Partnership Workforce Investment Act.

Sec. 8. 26 MRSA §2004, as amended by PL 1987, c. 542, Pt. F, §§3
and 5, is repealed.

Sec. 9. 26 MRSA §2004-A is enacted to read:

§2004-A.__Authority of Legislature

The Legislature has general authority to oversee
implementation of the Workforce Investment Act, including, but
not limited to, authority to:

1.__Review plans.__Review plans, policies and standards
proposed by a local board, the Maine Jobs Council, the
Governor or any other agency under the Workforce Investment
Act before final approval by the responsible entity;

2.__Review evaluations.__Review the procedures and findings
of evaluations of the effectiveness of the State's
implementation of the Workforce Investment Act; and

3.__Receive reports.__Receive reports prepared by the Maine
Jobs Council, a local board, the Governor or any agency in
connection with implementation of the Workforce Investment
Act, including the report required by section 3101.

Sec. 10. 26 MRSA §2006, sub-§§1 and 2, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 410,
§12 and affected by §13, are amended to read:

1. Responsibilities. The Maine Jobs Council is established
and in this section is referred to as the "council." The
council will to ensure that the State's workforce development
system helps Maine people and businesses compete successfully
in the global economy. Specific responsibilities include but
are not limited to:

A. Performing all of the duties and responsibilities of
the State Human Resource Investment Council state board as
defined in the United States Job Training Partnership
Workforce Investment Act, 29 United States Code, Title 29,
Section 1792 2801, including, but not limited to, the
duties and responsibilities set forth in subsection 5-D;

B. Recommending to the Governor an annual a state
workforce development plan designed to maximize
utilization and effectiveness of state workforce
development services;

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