LD 1092
pg. 9
Page 8 of 10 An Act To Amend the Laws Pertaining to Denturists Page 10 of 10
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LR 801
Item 1

denturist who furnishes proof satisfactory to the board that the
denturist has been licensed to practice and has actively
practiced for a period of 3 years in another state or a Canadian
province after full compliance with the requirements of that
state's or province's denturism laws if the licensure
requirements are, in all essentials, at least equivalent to
those of this State. The board may require letters of reference
about the denturist.__Applicants for licensure by endorsement
who meet the requirements of this section must be interviewed in
person by the board, or members of the board, prior to being
issued a license.__Every license so given must state upon its
face that it was granted on the basis of endorsement. The fee
for the license may not exceed $100.

5.__Duplicate license.__A duplicate license must be issued
to a licensee by the board for a fee of $15 upon attestation
of loss of the original.

6.__Prohibitions.__A denturist may not:

A.__Falsely claim to be a licensed dentist or allow
another to falsely represent the denturist as a licensed

B.__Perform a task beyond the denturist's competence; or

C.__Administer, dispense or prescribe a medication or
controlled substance.

7.__Mental or physical examination.__For the purposes of
this subsection, by the application for and acceptance of a
license a licensed denturist is deemed to have given consent
to a mental or physical examination when directed by the
board.__The board may direct the examination whenever it
determines that a denturist may be suffering from a mental
illness that may be interfering with the competent practice of
denturism or from the use of intoxicants or drugs to an extent
that they are preventing the denturist from practicing
denturism competently and with safety to the patients.__A
denturist examined pursuant to an order of the board does not
have the privilege to prevent the testimony of the examining
individual or to prevent the acceptance into evidence of the
report of__an examining individual.__Failure to comply with an
order of the board to submit to a mental or physical
examination requires the District Court to immediately order
the license of the denturist suspended until the denturist
submits to the examination.

§15340. Continuing education

As a condition of a license renewal, a denturist licensee
shall submit evidence of successful completion of 20 hours of

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