LD 1083
pg. 8
Page 7 of 8 An Act To Encourage Hunting by Simplifying Hunting Laws LD 1083 Title Page
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LR 487
Item 1

5. It allows the commissioner to provide resident
landowners with unallocated nonresident anterless deer permits
and authorizes the transfer of any-deer permits to any hunter;

6. It repeals the requirement that a person must accompany
a deer while it is being moved or transported;

7. It repeals the ban on firearms in the Town of Southport;

8. It limits agent fees to $2 per transaction;

9. It extends the prohibition on twilight hunting to beyond
firearm season on deer;

10. It amends the prohibition on placing bear bait within
500 yards of a dump by clarifying the word "dump" to mean a
site permitted or licensed for the disposal of solid waste and
extends the demarcation line around disposal sites to 500

11. It extends the period of time a person may keep an
unregistered wild turkey from 12 to 18 hours, making it
consistent with other game animals; and

12. It provides the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife with the authority to extend the open season on deer
as well as terminate it if the commissioner considers it
necessary to manage the deer population.

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