LD 1067
pg. 1
LD 1067 Title Page An Act To Abolish the State Planning Office LD 1067 Title Page
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LR 1101
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA c. 311, as amended, is repealed.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §13060-A is enacted to read:

§13060-A.__Regional economic development program relocation


To be eligible for state funding, a regional economic
development organization established under the department must
relocate every 5 years to a municipality that is located at
least 30 miles from the current location but within the region
or county in which the program is located.

Sec. 3. Abolition of State Planning Office; implementation. The Department of
Economic and Community Development shall review the functions,
duties and responsibilities of the State Planning Office. The
department shall prepare a proposal that reallocates essential
functions of the State Planning Office to other state
agencies, bureaus or departments. The department shall
present its proposal, along with any necessary implementing
legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Business,
Research and Economic Development no later than December 10,
2003. Following receipt and review of the report, the Joint
Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic
Development may report out to the Second Regular Session of
the 121st Legislature legislation based on the report.

Sec. 4. Effective date. That section of this Act that repeals the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 311 takes effect July
15, 2005.


This bill requires that a regional economic development
organization must relocate every 5 years to a municipality
that is physically located at least 30 miles from the current
location in order to be eligible for state funding. It also
abolishes the State Planning Office within the Executive

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