LD 1066
pg. 1
LD 1066 Title Page An Act to Address the Temporary Maximum Levels of Assistance for General Assist... LD 1066 Title Page
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LR 1124
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §4305, sub-§3-B, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410, Pt.
AAA, §3, is further amended to read:

3-B. Temporary maximum levels. Notwithstanding subsection
3-A, municipalities shall establish an aggregate maximum level
of assistance that is 110% of the applicable existing housing
fair market rents as established by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to 24
Code of Federal Regulations, Section 888.115, applying the
zero-bedroom level for one person, the one-bedroom level for 2
persons, the 2-bedroom level for 3 persons, the 3-bedroom
level for 4 persons and the 4-bedroom level for 5 persons, as
adjusted by the maximum level of assistance for food
established pursuant to subsection 3-A. For each additional
person, the aggregate maximum level increases by $75. For the
purposes of this subsection, municipalities with populations
greater than 10,000 are deemed Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Areas in those counties for which there are 2 fair
market rent values and the aggregate maximum level of
assistance for all Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas is
the average of the fair market rental values for the Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Areas and areas that are not Standard
Metropolitan Statistical Areas for each county in which there
are 2 fair market rental values.

Sec. 2. Reimbursement to municipalities. For calendar year 2004, the
Department of Human Services shall reimburse municipalities on
a quarterly basis for the amount by which their expenditures
for general assistance increase because of this Act, as
adjusted by their total spending for general assistance as a
proportion of total general assistance expenditures. For
calendar year 2005, the department shall consult with the
Maine Municipal Association, persons representing municipal
general assistance programs and persons representing low-
income persons and shall adopt rules to equitably distribute
the costs of this Act. Rules adopted pursuant to this section
are routine technical rules as defined in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 3. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 2004.


This bill increases the temporary maximum levels for
municipal general assistance from a level based on fair market
rents to a level based on rents and established maximum levels
of assistance for food.

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