LD 1065
pg. 1
LD 1065 Title Page Resolve, Directing the Commissioner of Public Safety To Study the Emergency Med... LD 1065 Title Page
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LR 449
Item 1

Sec. 1. Commissioner of Public Safety to study emergency medical services system.
Resolved: That the Commissioner of Public Safety shall study the
emergency medical services system. The commissioner's study
of the emergency medical services system must include, but is
not limited to, an examination of the following issues:

1. Consolidating the emergency medical services regions;

2. Streamlining the administration of emergency medical
services at the state level;

3. Clarifying the role of the Emergency Medical Services'
Board; and

4. Standardizing protocols.

The commissioner shall submit a report that includes
findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation,
to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public
Safety no later than January 9, 2004. The Joint Standing
Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety may report out
legislation related to this report to the Second Regular
Session of the 121st Legislature.


This resolve directs the Commissioner of Public Safety to
study the emergency medical services system. The
commissioner's study of the emergency medical services system
must include, but is not limited to, an examination of the
following issues:

1. Consolidating the emergency medical services regions;

2. Streamlining the administration of emergency medical
services at the state level;

3. Clarifying the role of the Emergency Medical Services'
Board; and

4. Standardizing protocols.

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