LD 1051
pg. 1
LD 1051 Title Page An Act To Expand the Mission of the Public Advocate Page 2 of 3
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LR 1263
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA c. 4 is enacted to read:



§301.__Duties of Public Advocate to insurance consumers

In addition to those duties specified in section 2387-A, the
duties and responsibilities of the Public Advocate include
representing public consumers of insurance services and
products within the jurisdiction of the bureau.

§302.__Review and recommendations

The Public Advocate may review, investigate and make
appropriate recommendations to the superintendent regarding
aspects of the insurance industry, including, but not limited

1.__Rates.__The reasonableness of rates charged or proposed
to be charged by any insurer;

2.__Service.__The reasonableness and adequacy of the service
furnished or proposed to be furnished by any insurer;

3.__Reduction or abandonment.__Any proposal by an insurer to
reduce or abandon service to the public;

4.__Terms and conditions.__Terms and conditions of insurers;

5.__Mergers and consolidations.__Mergers and consolidations
of insurers;

6.__Contracts.__Contracts of insurers' affiliates or
subsidiaries; and

7.__Transactions.__Securities, regulations and transactions
of insurers.


The Public Advocate may intervene in any proceeding before
the bureau related to the activities under section 302 when
determined necessary by the Public Advocate.

§304.__Petition to initiate proceedings

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