LD 1043
pg. 1
LD 1043 Title Page An Act To Provide Continued Access to Health Insurance for Small Business Emplo... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1604
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §2809-A, sub-§11-A is enacted to read:

11-A.__Continued group coverage; groups with fewer than 20
employees. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
section, upon the termination of coverage for a member or
employee covered under a group policy with 20 or fewer members
or employees, the insurer shall allow the member or employee
to elect, within the time period prescribed by paragraph B, to
continue coverage under the group policy at no higher level
than the level of benefits or coverage received by the member
or employee immediately before termination of coverage and at
the member's or employee's expense or, at the member's or
employee's option, to convert to a policy of individual
coverage without evidence of insurability in accordance with
this section.

A.__For the purposes of this subsection, "member or
employee" includes only those persons who have been a
member or employee for at least 6 months.

B.__The member or employee has 31 days from the
termination of coverage in which to elect continued
coverage and make the initial payment under this

C.__An insurer is not required to continue coverage under
a group policy if the member or employee meets the
conditions set out in subsection 3, paragraph A.

D.__The payment amount for continued group coverage under
this subsection may not exceed 102% of the group rate in
effect for a group member, including an employer's
contribution, if any.

E.__At the option of the member or employee, the continued
group coverage may cover the member or employee, the
member or employee and any dependents or only the
dependents of the member or employee; provided that, in
the latter 2 cases, the dependents have been covered for a
period of at least 3 months under the group policy, unless
the dependents were not eligible for coverage until after
the beginning of the 3-month period.

F.__Except as provided in paragraph G, coverage provided
under this subsection continues for 18 months.

G.__Coverage provided under this subsection may be
terminated sooner than provided under paragraph F if:

(1) The member or employee fails to make timely
payment of a required premium amount; or

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