LD 1034
pg. 1
LD 1034 Title Page An Act To Require Certain Agencies To Track Votes of Board and Commission Membe... LD 1034 Title Page
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LR 1488
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §685, first ¶, as amended by PL 1987, c. 308, §5, is
further amended to read:

The Commissioner of Conservation shall prepare a biennial
budget and shall submit to the Legislature requests for
appropriations sufficient to carry out its the commission's
assigned tasks. The commission may accept contributions of any
type from any source to assist it in carrying out its assigned
tasks, and make such requirements in respect to the
administration of such funds, not inconsistent with this
subchapter, as are required as conditions precedent to
receiving such funds, federal or otherwise. The commission
shall give public notice of all contributions, in the state
paper, stating the source, the amount and the purpose of such
contributions. The commission may contract with municipal,
State and Federal Governments or their agencies to assist in
the carrying out of any of its assigned tasks. The
Commissioner of Conservation, with the consent of a majority
of the commission, shall appoint a director who shall be is
the principal administrative, operational and executive
employee of the commission. The director shall attend all
meetings of the commission and be permitted to participate
fully but shall is not be a voting member of the commission.
The director shall track the vote of each commissioner on
every issue before the commission and make the voting record
of each commissioner available to the public.

Sec. 2. 38 MRSA §342, sub-§18 is enacted to read:

18.__Vote tracking.__The commissioner shall track the vote
of each member of the board on every issue before the board
and make the voting record of every board member available to
the public.


This bill requires the Commissioner of Environmental
Protection to track the votes of each member of the Board of
Environmental Protection and the Director of the Maine Land
Use Regulation Commission to track the votes of each member of
the commission. The bill also requires that the commissioner
and the director make these voting records available to the

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