LD 1023
pg. 1
LD 1023 Title Page An Act To Criminalize Noncompliance with an Interstate Compact for Adult Offend... LD 1023 Title Page
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LR 1726
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA c. 54-E is enacted to read:



§1347.__Violation of interstate compact for adult offender


A person is guilty of a Class D crime if that person, after
being convicted of a crime and sentenced in a state that is a
member of an interstate compact for adult offender supervision
and subsequently released on probation or parole, resides in
this State without complying with the requirements of the
interstate compact as enacted by the sentencing state.


This bill makes it a Class D crime for a person released on
probation or parole by a state that is a member of an
interstate compact for adult offender supervision to reside in
Maine without complying with the requirements of that compact.

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