LD 1009
pg. 1
LD 1009 Title Page An Act Concerning Retirement Benefits for State Employees LD 1009 Title Page
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LR 1654
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §17001, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410, Pt.
RR, §1, is further amended to read:

A. The average annual rate of earnable compensation of a
member during the 3 years of creditable service as an
employee in Maine, not necessarily consecutive, in which
the member's annual rate of earnable compensation is
highest. However, if a member is subject to a temporary
layoff or other time off without pay as a result of a
Governor's Executive Order, time off without pay or loss
of pay pursuant to the agreements of February 15, 1991,
October 23, 1991 and June 11, 1993 between the Executive
Department and the American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employees, Council 93, time off without pay
pursuant to the agreement of June 11, 1993 between the
Executive Department and the Maine State Employees
Association, days off without pay as authorized by
legislative action or days off without pay resulting from
any executive order declaring or continuing a state of
emergency relating to the lack of an enacted budget
document for fiscal years ending June 30, 1992 and June
30, 1993 or as a result of days off without pay as
authorized by legislative action or from executive order
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, or, if a
member is subject to days off without pay, not to exceed
10 days in each fiscal year ending June 30, 1992 and June
30, 1993, as a result of actions taken by local school
administrative units to offset school subsidy reductions
or, notwithstanding section 18202, as a result of actions
of a participating local district to offset reductions in
municipal revenue sharing or a combination thereof, for
the fiscal years ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993,
the 3-year average final compensation must be determined
as if the member had not been temporarily laid off,
reduced in pay or provided days off without pay; or


This bill protects state worker retirement benefits from
furlough days without pay imposed this fiscal year.

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