LD 991
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Equalize Fuel Taxes on Vehicles Used for Personal Travel LD 991 Title Page
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LR 1270
Item 1

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §3203, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Lower tax levied on certain uses of diesel fuel.__
Beginning January 1, 2004, in place of the fuel tax
established under subsection 1, a person who operates a
vehicle that uses diesel fuel shall pay the excise tax imposed
under section 2903, subsection 1 if the following conditions
are met:

A. The person is not a user as defined in section 3202,
subsection 9; and

B. The fuel is used in a motor vehicle that is registered
as an automobile or pickup truck in compliance with Title
29-A, section 501, subsection 1.

Sec. 3. Agencies to develop plan for implementation. The Commissioner of
Transportation, in consultation with the Department of the
Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Maine
Revenue Services, shall develop a method to implement a change
in the fuel tax imposed on automobiles and light pickup trucks
that use diesel fuel.


This bill provides for diesel automobiles and pickup trucks
less than 6,000 pounds to pay the gas tax imposed on other
automobiles rather than the special fuel tax paid by
commercial vehicles.

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