LD 986
pg. 46
Page 45 of 77 An Act To Enact the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Amendments of 1996 an... Page 47 of 77
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LR 467
Item 1

Uniform Comment

(This is Section 311 of the Uniform Act.)

This section establishes the basic requirements for drafting
and filing interstate pleadings. Subsection (a) should be read
in conjunction with Section 312, which provides for the
confidentiality of certain information if disclosure is likely
to result in harm to a party or a child. The 2001 amendments
are directed at improving the efficiency of the process.
Illustrative of that goal is the requirement that all known
support orders be attached to the petition for relief, coupled
with the elimination of the requirement that such copies be
certified. If a dispute arises over the authenticity of a
purported order, the tribunal must, of necessity, sort out
conflicting claims at that time. Another improvement is the
deletion of the requirement for verified pleadings originated
in URESA and carried forward in the original version of UIFSA.

Subsection (b) provides authorization for the use of the
federally authorized forms promulgated in connection with the
IV-D child support enforcement program and mandates
substantial compliance with those forms. Although the use of
other forms is not prohibited, standardized documents have
resulted in substantial improvement in the efficient
processing of UIFSA proceedings.

Sec. 22. 19-A MRSA §3012, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. B, §2
and affected by Pt. E, §2, is repealed and the following
enacted in its place:

§3012.__Nondisclosure of information in exceptional

If a party alleges in an affidavit or a pleading under oath
that the health, safety or liberty of a party or child would
be jeopardized by disclosure of specific identifying
information, that information must be sealed and may not be
disclosed to the other party or the public. After a hearing in
which a tribunal takes into consideration the health, safety
or liberty of the party or child, the tribunal may order
disclosure of information that the tribunal determines to be
in the interest of justice.

Uniform Comment

(This is Section 312 of the Uniform Act.)

ENFORCEMENT ACT, Section 209. Information To Be Submitted to
Court. This section is the latest version of the statutory
formulation originally developed in UIFSA 1992. Public

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