LD 975
pg. 1
LD 975 Title Page An Act To Improve the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program LD 975 Title Page
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LR 1548
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §6652, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2001, c. 396, §45,
is further amended to read:

1. Generally. A person against whom taxes have been
assessed pursuant to Part 2, except for chapters 111 and 112,
with respect to eligible property and who has paid those taxes
is entitled to reimbursement of those taxes from the State as
provided in this chapter to the extent that those taxes have
not been returned to the taxpayer by the municipality due to
the taxpayer's participation in a municipal development
district pursuant to Title 30-A, chapter 206, subchapter 1.
The combined reimbursement under this chapter and Title 30-A,
chapter 206, subchapter 1 may not exceed 100% of the assessed
taxes for eligible property. For purposes of this chapter, a
tax applied as a credit against a tax assessed pursuant to
chapter 111 or 112 is a tax assessed pursuant to chapter 111
or 112. Eligible property is subject to reimbursement
pursuant to this chapter for up to 12 property tax years, but
the 12 years must be reduced by one year for each year during
which a taxpayer included the same property in its investment
credit base under section 5219-D, 5219-E or 5219-M and claimed
the credit provided in one or more of those sections on its
income tax return, and reimbursement may not be made for taxes
assessed in a year in which one or more of those credits is


This bill prohibits reimbursement of property taxes under
the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement program if the taxes
also are reimbursed under a tax increment financing district

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